Sunday, March 17, 2013

the Dybbuk box

hey guys from now on I'm going to have something called the dybbuk box (if you get the refrence post in the comments) where I'm going to talk about my life, I'll answer some questions so start posting them, and I'll do some updates.
First of all some of you may have noticed I have a poll that askes you your political party on the right bar next to the language tronsolator. I really want people to answer that so start answering. Second of all I just found out my blog name is the same as a bike brand so if you know how to cange dibik to dybbuk post in the comments, that's all I wanted to say I'll see you all next dybbuk box.


  1. feel free to comment on what you want to see

  2. can we have a link to dandre jordans dunk on youtube?

  3. I put a link to Tims blog who has the link
