Thursday, December 5, 2013

Dybbuk Box - Nelson Mandela

Hey guys, so today is a sad day, if you know at age 95 Nelson Mandela passed away. 
Nelson Mandela was a great person. He was the president of South Africa for a while, but he was always a hero. He stopped segregation in South Africa, and created a democracy only using peaceful protest. And he spent 27 years in prison for this. This man deserves more credit (even though he's already got a huge amount of it.)  I wished he could have lived longer but... We all have to leave this world some day.

Anyway guys, sorry this post was super short but I have to go so I'll see you later.

R.I.P Nelson Mandela July 18 1918 -  December 5 2013

1 comment:

  1. Long Live Delibunga, a freedom fighter. He now has the ultimate freedom.
