So a few days ago I saw an old Harold Lloyd film do you know Harold Lloyd? He's a guy who made movies a pretty long time ago I mean thery're in black and white and they have no sound but there really funny like in 1 movie he climbed a tower and he got stuck on a clock that was about to fall and it was hilarious speaking of towers did you know that the World Trade Center Memorial building was just proven taller than Chicago's Willis Tower and is know the tallest building in America but it's far from the tallest building in the world also really off topic is I can spell supercalafragilisticexpalidotious and I really have no idea why I pointed that out but I did so eat a strawberry and speaking of strawberries did you know that strawberries are a member of the rose family so when we eat strawberries we're basically eating roses and thats pretty weird so know I'm going to type really fast IlikepiepieisgoodyumyumyumpietasteslikecherriescherriestastelikeplumsplumstastelikegetoradeandgatoradetasteslikepiesoalsotodaydidyouknowthatabeagelplusaboxerisabogelandjustsoyouknowI'mtalkingaboutdogs. *pant pant*
Okay, I think if I type anymore I'm going to explode so I'll see you later!
Like father like son :)