Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Dybbuk Box - That TURKEY Tho!

Hey guys, so to start of this weird post let me just say: Frilly was captured! He now lives on a planet far away from Earth known as Usphalia where he eats on aliens known as usphalians (its ok nobody likes them) and its all thanks to a giant turkey! (if you haven't read my secret blog diary then you won't understant this stuff http://dibikg.blogspot.com/p/diary.html)
So what happened was I was surviving on a tiny bit of turkey. Frilly was near by, I could smell him. Just then... A beam of light blasted through the door! I t was Frilly. I ran as fast as I could till I reached the lab! My turkey was 3 days old. I didn't know if it would work but I threw it in the bring-back-to-life-in-giant-form-inator (my coulleuge named it that) and it worked! A giant turkey came out of the machine! Frilly attacked the turkey with all his might but it didn't hurt the turkey at all. I still wonder why... Anyway the turkey only had to touch Frilly and he fainted. We put him in a cage and we had the turkey chuck frilly all the way to Usphalia. Unfortunetly giant turkeys only live for 3 hours... But at least Thanksgiving is going to be great! Anyway I'm going to turn the person who made me do this all into a fish now (Rambo N. Rambingston)and I'll see you later!

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