Thursday, March 6, 2014

Gaming Week! Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare (Part 2)

Hey guys, so I'm continuing my PvZ Garden Warfare review, but this time I'm looking at the zombies. So lets get to it! P.S I gave all the zombies nicknames.

All-Star (Tomer) : Anybody who has played at least past the second world knows the football zombie. He's big, strong, and really fast! Well he decided to make a return as a playable character in this game going by the name all-star. The all-star, or as I like to call him, Tomer is by far my favorite zombie you can flay as. He has a football cannon which rapid-fires really tiny footballs that never seem to run out. I mean, there's literally no ammo! The thing that makes the football cannon special is that it doesn't have ammo. It only stops working if you use it for too long. Anyway Tomer has a pretty cool tackle attack as well as scratch, leer, and ember. Woops! Wrong game! Anyway he does have a tackle attack where he rams into any plant he sees and automatically K.O's them. Oh! I forgot to mention in the last post, this game is E10+ so there's not much voilence and kills are K.O's. But anyway this can be useful if Tomer runs into any chompers. He also has a training dummy he can summon which acts like a barrier. This can be used well because even though Tomer has the most heath of any player, he still goes down easily. A good idea is to set up some barriers and when a plant comes by surprise attack them with your tackle. Finally, Tomer has the imp-punt, where he punts one of his fans in your face and he explodes. It's basically the chili bean bomb, but for the zombies.

Engineer (Mario): The engineer or Mario is my second favorite zombie. Ya know why I call him Mario? Because he has a plumber's butt! *Buh dum bam* Well he actually does have a plumbers butt. In fact, you can unlock a taunt for him where he slaps his butt at people. Butt! That's besides the point! *buh dum bam* ok, butt! Lets get serious! *Buh dum bam* ok, I'm done with the jokes so let's get to his abilities! So Mario has a pretty good microphone ability where he throws a megaphone that stuns any plant it hits, this can help stun chompers since Mario his super slow. But Mario can also ride a jackhammer that helps fix that. The jackhammer makes Mario go fast and he can't get eaten while riding it either. This can really help Mario since he's very easy to kill without these abilities. Finally he has the zombot drone which is just the onion drone. But let's move on to the Foot Soldier now!

Foot Soldier (Jim): The Foot Soldier or Jim is a pretty good zombie. He has a rapid-fire paintball launcher much like the sunflower as his main weapon, there's not much to say about him alone so let's move on to his abilities! His main ability is the rocket jump. He can jump very high with the rocket jump which can be useful for sniping chompers and keeping the sky clear of onion drones. He can also fire a rocket at plants which basically blows up anything it hits and can be good for taking out cacti and peashooters. Finally he can throw down poison fart bombs as I like to think of them which set off poison gas that does damage to any plant that comes in the smoke. It can also be used for ambushes. Basically, Jim is great for crashing any plant party! I just don't like his shooting.

Scientest (Nerville): The Scientest or Nerville is my least favorite zombie. He has a goo launcher which is only really good at point-blank range. But his abilities sort of make up for that. He does have a warp, which can help with getting close, but not much. Then he has a zombie healing station, which is just the heal flower for zombies. (Although I found it works better.) Finally Nerville has the sticky explody balls. Which are basically potato mines that can stick to walls. I honestly don't really like to use him that much and I think if you want to be a healer, go with the sunflower.

Anyway guys, that's all for today and I'll see you on Monday!

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