Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Unnamed Week Week! Dibik Kamaxcraft part 4

Dibik walked up to a hungry monkey who said "Ohh ohh ohh ohh ohh (Diddy hungy, Diddy give shiny puzzle to Bird Man and Blogger Boy if get Diddy pineapple.)" the monkey, Diddy told Dibik and Maxcraft. "Budder! Dont worry Chimp Chump! We'll find you that pineapple!" Maxcraft teased. Dibik and Maxcraft had already found 8 puzzle peices already (off screen and all they did was walk 1 step and got showered with puzzle peices.) And just found out from Diddy that... Well you heard what happened. Anyway, just then Dibik and Maxcraft saw a giant ape eating a pineapple. "Budder budder budder budder (hey ape face! Gimme that pineapple!" Maxcraft yelled at the ape. The ape got so mad he turned red as lava. "Derp derp derp (Oh, you've done it now Max...)" "AHHH AHHH AHHH! (YOU WANT DIZ PINAPPLEZ?! WELL HERE YOUZ GO!!!!!" The ape yelled. He picked up a pinapple 10 times bigger than Dibik, Maxcraft, and Cyrix combined and threw it at them. Fortunetly the ape had bad aim and instead hit Georgeo's one of many shacks, sending Georgeo flying. "ENDER ENDER ENDER! (YOU SMASH GEORGEO'S HOME! YOU TURN INTO FRUIT YOU THROW!)" Georgeo yelled and he used his georgeo magic to turn the ape into a giant pineapple. "Derp derp derp... (Well... Umm... Thanks Georgeo...)" Dibik said. "Ender ender! (don't mention it, here take the shiny I found!)" And Georgeo gave Dibik and Maxcraft a free puzzle piece for no Ender Eyes. After that thing... Dibik and Maxcraft gave the pineapple/ape to Diddy. Who ate it in one gulp... What a weird monkey! Anyway Dibik and Maxcraft placed the puzzle pieces into the next painting to unlock the second and final world.


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